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Step-by-step guide

This short guide will show you how to add a method's wrapper to Omnibenchmark. We will add a classification method to our example Iris omnibenchmark (a simple benchmark using the Iris dataset).

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1. Create a new project

Each of an Omnibenchmark is basically a Renku project (a Gitlab project with many tweaks). To add a new method to the Iris Omnibenchmark, we will create a new Renku project to host our code. Luckily, you don't have to code a whole new Renku project from scratch! You will see how to add pre-filled project to any Omnibenchmark:


Congrats, you just created your first project on Renku using our dedicated Omnibenchmark templates (pre-filled projects). The projects also come with their own set of instructions (in the README) but you can ignore these for now. The next sessions will cover them.

2. Set up a working environment

We have created a new project to host our code. One easy way to work on a project is to start an interactive session to work interactively on our project. Let's see how to set this up:

3. Add some code to your project

We can now modify, run and save our work from an interactive session. Let's see how to add code to work with the Iris dataset;

A. Set up the metadata for the project

Open src/config.yaml. This file tells Omnibenchmark how to run the project and the metadata associated to it. Modify the file as follows (highlighted lines):

    name: "iris-method-bc2-[YOUR_NAME]"
    title: "iris method example BC2"
    description: ""
    keywords: ["iris_method_bc2"]
script: "src/iris-method-bc2-anthonysonrel1ecd.R"
benchmark_name: "iris_example"
    keywords: ["iris_dataset"] ## Keyword(s) for the input dataset to import. 
    files: ["input"]  ## Input file type(s).
        input: "_dataset"
    template: "data/${name}/${name}_${unique_values}_${out_name}.${out_end}" ## Automatic. To change if you want specific output names. 
    ## File patterns to use for automatic detection. 
            end: "rds"
    ## Section to describe the parameter dataset, values and filter. 
    keywords: ["iris_parameters"] ## Keyword(s) of the parameters project(s) to import.
    names: ["rseed"] ## Name(s) of the parameter(s) to use from the parameter project that is imported.


The src/ is ported with all omnibenchmark projects. It is always pre-filled for you and is usually the first file that you have to modify.

B. Add code to the project

Open your R script: src/iris-method-bc2-[...].R. Copy-paste the following code in your script (we'll go through it together);

# Load package

# Get list with command line arguments by name
option_list = list(
    make_option(c("--input"), type="character", default=NULL, 
            help="Description of the argument", metavar="character"), 
    make_option(c("--rseed"), type="character", default=NULL, 
                help="Description of the argument", metavar="character"), 
    make_option(c("--method_result1"), type="character", default=NULL, 
                help="Description of the argument", metavar="character")

opt_parser = OptionParser(option_list=option_list);
opt = parse_args(opt_parser);

# Call the arguments
input <- opt$input
rseed <- opt$rseed
method_result1 <- opt$method_result1

# Call the method
dat <- read.csv(input)

dat$Species <- as.factor(dat$Species)

# Split
validation_index <- createDataPartition(dat$Species, p=.5, list=FALSE)
validation <- dat[-validation_index,]
dat_train <- dat[validation_index,]

control <- trainControl(method="cv", number=10)
metric <- "Accuracy"
fit.lda <- train(Species~., data=dat_train, method="lda", metric=metric, trControl=control)

saveRDS(object = fit.lda, file = method_result1)

C. Run the workflow

We have specified how the project should run and the code associated to it.

We can now run the workflow by running the src/

Open a new Python console from the base directory. We will go through it together.


The src/ is ported with all omnibenchmark projects. Its only purpose is to run your code and doesn't need to be modified.