1. Create a module

Any part of Omnibenchmark can be extended with an additional project that will add a new dataset, method or metric to the evaluation.

To ease the addition of a new project to Omnibenchmark, you can select a template when creating a new Renku project.


A template is a project that was already pre-filled and configured to work with Omnibenchmark in a way that you won't have to know too much about Renku. You will just have to add your data and/or your code to project that will extend Omnibenchmark.

The Scribe guide below will show you how to create a new Omnibenchmark project for any module (data, method, metric,...).

If your benchmark is already in the list below, you can click on the module that you would like to add and jump to step 11 of the Scribe guide;

Batch-correction Omnibenchmark

Clustering Omnibenchmark:

Spatial clustering Omnibenchmark: